Let The Lord Be Your Shepherd!

Psalm 23(CEB)

  A psalm of David.

 1 The LORD is my shepherd.
   I lack nothing.
2 He lets me rest in grassy meadows;
   he leads me to restful waters;
    3 he keeps me alive.
He guides me in proper paths
   for the sake of his good name.

 4 Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,
   I fear no danger
   because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff—
   they protect me.

 5 You set a table for me
   right in front of my enemies.
You bathe my head in oil;
   my cup is so full it spills over!
6 Yes, goodness and faithful love
   will pursue me all the days of my life,
   and I will live in the LORD’s house
   as long as I live.

This weekend was a tough and exciting weekend.  We laid my Uncle Paul to rest on Monday February 20, 2012.  I say tough because we will miss him dearly.  The greatest thing about my Uncle Paul is that he knew Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.  This means he trust in God all his life, his great faith in God has taken him home to Heaven.  Exciting because we were among family and friends.  Let me just say my family is the best because we could laugh about everything.  We had such a great time with one another, it helped us with our grief.  Yes we did cry but we all know this is not the end but a new beginning in all of our lives who were touched by Paul.  The verse today is the verse from my message on Monday Morning.  My Uncle Paul had a great story, a story of love for God, love for family, love for friends, love for laughter, love for music, a love for motorcycles, and so many other talents and gifts he was given from God.  Today, if you face uncertainty, or there are giants in your life, let us follow my uncle Paul’s example, as he faced his giant of Cancer in his life he dug in his heels and pushed forward in the fight.  You do the same lean on Jesus, 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”.  Let us rely on God in everything in our life. 

Pray:  God protect me as i face my giants, give me strength to carry on.  Everyday I need you in my life, you are a Great God.  Help me relay on you this week. 

P.S.  To those that heard my message yesterday  only you will get this, “Yes I’m at Work and Bloging..lol.”


Published by pastorfernandocharles2

Child of God, Son, Brother, Nefew, Grandson, Cousin, Uncle, Father, Husband, Grandfather! I Love praising God, and him only. I love my family. I love teaching others about God, and how to follow him even in the tough times. I love the ministry he has me in.

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