Poison More Deadly than a Mad Dog’s Tooth: Venom Cosplay

Just stumbled across these fantastic Venom cosplay photos from the absolutely amazing Adam Jay of Superhero Photography.

Venom was a powerful alien symbiote in the Marvel universe that adapted and enhanced the powers of its human hosts, most notably Spider-Man.  She-Venom appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #375 as Ann Weying, ex-wife of then-Venom Eddie Brock.

Ann initially merged with the Venom symbiote to save her life, but ultimately came to a bad end in an effort to avoid the dark things the symbiote inspired her to do.

If you’d like to see more photos of model Freddie Nova in liquid latex as Venom – and really, who wouldn’t? – go see the complete gallery at Superhero Photography. While you’re at it, darlings, it’s worth taking a few moments to peruse Adam Jay’s portfolio of other fantastic cosplay.  Surprising no one, I’m personally rather a fan of the Girls that Geek collection.

(via Geekologie)


Related Posts:

– Thinking Costume: Jessica Rabbit, Original Ginger

– Threadbanger: Best of Youtube Costume Tutorials

 And the Blood Came Out Like a Bird: Gouged Eye Makeup Tutorial

Categories: Art & Inspiration, Costume Inspiration, Costumes & Makeup

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16 replies

  1. That’s actually really neat, was just expecting a costume…

  2. Eva,
    This was pretty awesome. I had to google what cosplay was… I will go to be less clowny tonight.
    Le Clown

    • Why, it’s nice to see you rattling around TYoH again, Le Clown. Cosplay is typically seen as a more seriously focused costuming and makeup effort to create a very specific character, rather than just generally wearing a costume. And I’m not sure who authorized you to be less clowny, but I’m fairly certain that your contract forbids anything less than 100% Le Clown. 🙂

  3. I saw the first shot in Facebook, and didn’t realize it was a whole series. These are amazing!

  4. WOW! She is beautiful, that liquid latex looks really awesome!

  5. Reblogged this on Witchborn and commented:
    Live action She-Venom oh my bejesus


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