Does eating for two really mean you get to eat twice as much of everything? Unfortunately for food lovers, the baby-making math doesn't quite work that way. While it's critical to eat enough during pregnancy to nourish your growing baby, keep in mind that one of the two you're eating for is a tiny growing fetus (just pea-sized or smaller, in fact, for much of the first trimester).

Here's what moms-to-be need to know about caloric intake during pregnancy, plus how to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need right now.

How many calories should a pregnant woman eat?

If your weight was within normal or average ranges and you were moderately active before becoming pregnant, your recommended daily intake was about 2,000 calories a day. Here's what you'll need now that you're expecting:[1]

  • First trimester: You probably won't need any additional calories during your first trimester. Instead, you should focus on choosing nutritious foods that keep your energy up (and, if you have morning sickness, don't make you nauseous!) while supporting your baby's development.
  • Second trimester: Up your daily calorie intake by about 340 calories per day — that's the equivalent of, say, two glasses of skim milk and a bowl of oatmeal.
  • Third trimester: You'll need about an extra 450 calories per day.
  • If you're carrying multiples: If your weight gain was average before pregnancy, your daily intake should be around 600 calories per day.[2]

Of course, there are exceptions to this (for example, if you're a teenager or were significantly underweight to begin with, you'll probably need more calories). So be sure to check with your practitioner to outline your daily caloric needs.

How can you tell if you're getting the right amount of calories?

Now that you know how many calories you need, is it the time to break out the old calculator and start counting? Absolutely not. The best way to watch what you eat isn't to keep tabs on every bite (who has the time or the patience for that, anyway?).

Instead, keep up with your prenatal appointments, as your practitioner will monitor your weight gain. If you conceived at a normal weight, during pregnancy you should gain about three to four pounds during the first trimester, then about one pound per week in the second and third trimesters.[3]

Of course, these guidelines also vary based on your pre-pregnancy BMI and other factors, so be sure to ask your practitioner for your personalized recommendations.

If your practitioner tells you that you're gaining weight too quickly or not gaining enough, fortunately, there are steps you can take to get back on track:[4]

  • If you're not gaining enough weight, especially once you hit your second trimester (when morning sickness and food aversions subside), you may not be getting enough of the foods that are prime for a healthy pregnancy, including protein-rich foods and healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, salmon and whole fat dairy. If you're still having trouble gaining enough weight, talk to your practitioner.
  • If you're gaining weight too quickly, on the other hand, you may be getting more calories than you need. So check in with your doctor and make some healthy adjustments to your diet. Try cutting back on processed, calorie-dense foods with little nutritional value, while ensuring you're not cutting out the valuable vitamins and minerals you and your baby need.

The best thing you can do is to try not to obsess over everything you eat or every pound you gain. As long as you're following a healthy, balanced diet most days, you should be fine. And as always, if you have any questions or concerns at all, your practitioner can help.