United States. Congress. House. Indian law , miscellaneous amendments to , make . S. Nepal , human rights and ... Dakota , Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site , acquisition of additional lands con- taining Indian ...
... Senate . The first is the bill ( S. 3893 ) authoriz ing the Secretary of the Navy , in his discretion , to deliver to the cus- tody of the State of South Dakota the silver service presented to the United States for the cruiser South Dakota ...
... State of South Dakota . While the frontier was vanishing , Mon- tana still exhibited in some respects the characteristics of a frontier State . Dis- putes over land claims , particularly claims to rich mineral lands , were fre- quently ...
... house of representatives . I introduced this legislation in 1963. I car- ried it before the house and the senate ... South Dakota and Nebraska , one State selling water , the other claiming it sold its water , we see that it is ...
... State , 104 Md . 253 , 65 Atl . 1 ; State v . Barrington ... in Author- ity for the Court . Rex v . Knight , 20 Cox C. C. 711 , 69 J. P. 108 , 21 Times L. Rep ... South Dakota . State v . Landers , ( S. Dak . 1908 ) 114 N. W. 717 ...
... Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. STATEMENT OF HON . ROBERT F. SMITH , MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE STATE OF OREGON ... South Dakota and Nebraska , one State selling water , the other claiming it sold its water , we see that it is ...
... Law and Order ... House of Representatives appointed a committee to investigate the feasibility of manufacturing cement under state ownership for use on state roads and highways. The committee, hoping to follow the lead of South Dakota ...