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All filings in Supreme Court of Ohio cases can be filed through the e-Filing Portal. Application for Attorney Fees for Court Appointed Attorneys
Supreme Court of Ohio Online Docket.
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Merit decisions with opinions—Merit decisions without opinions—Motion and procedural rulings—Appeals accepted for review—Appeals not accepted for review. 11/27/ ...
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Ohio. Supreme Court.Browse in author list; Preferred Title: Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Ohio (1991); Other Titles: Ohio state ...
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Landlord brought defamation action against author whose letter to the editor appeared in newspaper, accusing landlord of forcing tenant, a grocery store, ...
A local dad's fight and victory for equal parenting rights has resulted in a Supreme Court decision that will affect the rights of parents statewide.
... Editor of The Michigan Law Review. He was elected a Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court in 1986. Read more Read less. Best Sellers. View All Categories.
Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota,. Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin and the Governor of. Kentucky—have a significant interest in ensuring that lawmakers ...