inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... State juris- diction over a portion of Indian country in , author- ize . H.R. 2854 ; Mr. McCurdy . S. 1526 ... South Dakota , Wounded Knee Creek , tragedy at , 100th anniversary of , acknowledge . S. Con . Res . 153 . Tribal ...
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873.
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... South Dakota seats in the House of Representatives along with sever- al other statewide offices . In the presidential election , Richard Nixon won the state over Vice President Hubert Humphrey , a South Dakota native . Humphrey took ...
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... Senate . The first is the bill ( S. 3893 ) authoriz- ing the Secretary of the Navy , in his discretion , to deliver to the cus- tody of the State of South Dakota the silver service presented to the United States for the cruiser South Dakota ...
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... State of South Dakota . While the frontier was vanishing , Mon- tana still exhibited in some respects the characteristics of a frontier State . Dis- putes over land claims , particularly claims to rich mineral lands , were fre- quently ...
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... house of representatives . I introduced this legislation in 1963. I car- ried it before the house and the senate ... South Dakota and Nebraska , one State selling water , the other claiming it sold its water , we see that it is ...
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... state's expenditures, and the high price of cement angered lawmakers. The Missouri House of Representatives appointed a committee to investigate the feasibility of manufacturing cement under state ownership for use on state roads and ...
inauthor: South Dakota. Legislature. House of Representatives from
... house of representatives . I introduced this legislation in 1963. I car- ried it before the house and the senate ... South Dakota and Nebraska , one State selling water , the other claiming it sold its water , we see that it is ...