initiative meaning from
Easy to use and with a great CD-ROM - the perfect learner's dictionary for exam success. First published as the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, this new edition has been completely updated and redesigned.
initiative meaning from
... meaning to the mix and thereby allows you to better manage a brand's contribution to corporate equity. This symbolic value not only helps explain the considerable differ- ences ... INITIATIVE Studying Brand Symbolism and Its Meanings.
initiative meaning from
... initiative by themselves. The reason for abolishing this privilege in 1998 was that the easier introduction as ... meaning that its object must be the enacting, amending or abolishing of a law. Any other parliament resolutions or ...
initiative meaning from
... meaning of a provision in an initiative law, courts have relied on “popular intent” (as an analogy to legislative intent), drawn from sources used for legislative law: the statute's language, the body of existing law and its legislative ...
initiative meaning from
This work has been produced with the support of Labex Hastec.
initiative meaning from
... initiatives is described as 'theories of change' by the Aspen Institute in the USA (Connell et al. 1995 ... initiative, meaning the long-term outcomes and the strategies that are intended to produce them. In generating this ...
initiative meaning from
... initiative such as a HAZ is implemented on a large scale , and where processes which have been introduced within ... meaning the long - term outcomes and the strategies that are intended to produce them . In generating this theory ...
initiative meaning from
... initiative , meaning that creditors have provided irrevocably debt relief . Bilateral debt is also worked out through the Paris Club , which provides excep- tional treatment such as deferral of all debt service payments for a specified ...
initiative meaning from
... initiative is low on the psychological dimension and its relevance is also low , the initiative ends up being the ... meaning or importance , and hence lack the relatedness with self . Women engagement initiatives in this category ...