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subject:"Education" from
The book covers the broad spectrum of 'Comparative Education' as an emerging discipline within the framework of education in India and UK; USA; and China.
subject:"Education" from
Media Pembelajaran Matematika merupakan segala sesuatu yang bisa menyalurkan pengetahuan dari pendidik (sumber informasi) kepada siswa (penerima informasi ) dalam pembelajaran matematika.
subject:"Education" from
The book is written in very simple and easy language. The book is strictly in accordance with ISCE syllabus and can also be used by beginners to learn java.
subject:"Education" from
Contributors discuss how growing up in a world saturated with digital media affects the development of young people's individual and social identities.
subject:"Education" from
Niveau B1 bis C2 Übungsziele: - Festigung und Vertiefung der Grammatikkenntnisse - Erweiterung des Wortschatzes - Verbesserung der mündlichen und schriftlichen Ausdrucksfähigkeit, auch für Muttersprachler Übungsschwerpunkte: - ...
subject:"Education" from
Whether you're a conservative looking to push back against the progressive agenda or simply someone who cares about the education of our children, this book is for you.
subject:"Education" from
Buku Statistik Paramentrik untuk Penelitian Kuantitatif ini menjelaskan masalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan memanfaatkan uji statistik, seperti uji asumsi dasar (normalitas, homogenitas, dan linteritas) i dan z. korelasi, regresi dan ...
subject:"Education" from
Written as a series of back-and-forth exchanges, this engaging book illustrates a model of civil debate between those with substantial, principled differences.
subject:"Education" from
Profesi keguruan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang menunjukkan dan menjunjung tinggi prinsip dan asas-asas keprofesionalitasan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya dalam mendidik dan mengajar peserta didik.