The present volume is the product of two workshops held in 2019 and 2021 as part of the research focus Textual Practices in the Pre-Modern World: Texts and Ideas between Aksum, Constantinople, and Baghdad, which was generously supported and ...
Back in 1963, when a conference on Horace was organised at Oudpelgeest (The Netherlands), Harry C. Schnur chose to comment upon Horace's famous poem Exegi monumentum aere perennius.
To this day, no comprehensive academic study of the development of guidebooks to Rome over time has been performed. This book treats the history of guidebooks to Rome from the Middle Ages up to the early twentieth century.
This volume seeks to re-examine divination in ancient Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, and Chinese cultures and to identify and elucidate previously understudied aspects of ancient divinatory experience and practice.
Eine Reise zum Mond, Zauberei, Liebesgeschichten, Bücherfunde und Pythagoras – Die unglaublichen Dinge jenseits von Thule des Antonius Diogenes fordern den Leser durch eine Kombination verschiedenster Themen und Gattungstraditionen ...
Jh. und gehen dabei insbesondere der Frage nach, inwiefern durch Exzerpieren, Kompilieren und selektives Tradieren eine Komplexitätsreduktion beziehungsweise eine Komplexitätsverlagerung stattfand.