This volume offers a critical rethinking of the construct of youth wellbeing, stepping back from taken-for-granted and psychologically inflected understandings.
This book is a trans-disciplinary approach to what needs to be done to make our food system sustainable and to regenerate soil and water resources, habitat, economy and society.
The primary aim of this volume is to deliver a holistic analysis of the current state-of-the-art on corporate foundations. For that reason, the book includes different perspectives on and use a hybrid concept of corporate foundations.
Für die zweite Auflage wurde das Buch umfassend überarbeitet. Der Inhalt Entstehung und Entwicklung von Außenpolitik.- Wer macht deutsche Außenpolitik?.- Machtverteilung und deutsche Außenpolitik bis 1945.
Der Inhalt Drittmittelfinanzierung im universitären Forschungssektor Auswirkungen des Drittmittelwettbewerbs auf die Forschung Wettbewerb in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aller Fachgebiete, ...
The chapters of the book, written by leading experts either in demography or in agent-based modelling, address several key questions. Why do we need agent-based computational demography?
This book examines the history of racial classifications in Puerto Rico censuses, starting with the Spanish censuses and continuing through the US ones.
This analysis of the forensic mental health system - how it operates, the people involved, the problems inherent in the system, and the huge ethical dilemmas - brings together a range of specialists, who describe the processes involved in ...