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subject:"Sociology" from
Katherine Tonkiss offers a succinct account of constitutional patriotism theory, specifically arguing that it involves a commitment to free migration.
subject:"Sociology" from
Der zentrale Ansatz der Mikrosoziologie ist, dass soziale Strukturen ihr Fundament in den konkreten Handlungen konkreter Personen haben.
subject:"Sociology" from
This volume offers a critical rethinking of the construct of youth wellbeing, stepping back from taken-for-granted and psychologically inflected understandings.
subject:"Sociology" from
This book is a trans-disciplinary approach to what needs to be done to make our food system sustainable and to regenerate soil and water resources, habitat, economy and society.
subject:"Sociology" from
Für die zweite Auflage wurde das Buch umfassend überarbeitet. Der Inhalt Entstehung und Entwicklung von Außenpolitik.- Wer macht deutsche Außenpolitik?.- Machtverteilung und deutsche Außenpolitik bis 1945.
subject:"Sociology" from
Synthèses sur des ouvrages clés de la théorie économique, la pensée politique et sociale, l'histoire des sociétés contemporaines, etc.
subject:"Sociology" from
This book examines the history of racial classifications in Puerto Rico censuses, starting with the Spanish censuses and continuing through the US ones.
subject:"Sociology" from
This analysis of the forensic mental health system - how it operates, the people involved, the problems inherent in the system, and the huge ethical dilemmas - brings together a range of specialists, who describe the processes involved in ...
subject:"Sociology" from
This new essay collection by distinguished philosopher Margaret Gilbert provides a richly textured argument for the importance of joint commitment in our personal and public lives.
subject:"Sociology" from
En este sentido, Andrés Lazo consigue explicar, de forma muy clara y con argumentos sólidamente construidos, por qué es necesario superar las bases ideológicas que han terminado constituyendo nuestras sociedades excesivamente ...