Damian Hedinger untersucht die Frage der Gesundheitsversorgung am Lebensende, die durch die Demografische Alterung und eine weiterhin steigende Lebenserwartung immer zentraler wird.
Güç Kullanımının Meşrutiyeti: Otorite 222 Geleneksel Otorite 223 Karizmatik Otorite 224 Rasyonel-Yasal Otorite 224 Toplum ve Güç 224 Monarşi 225 Otoriter Yönetim 225 Totaliter Yönetim 226 Devlet: Modern Devletin Doğuşu 226 ...
Hopes to hasten the development of applied sociology by making clear distinctions between general sociology, social arts, social work, and social economy.
This book is open access under a CC BY License. Lone parenthood is an increasing reality in the 21st century, reinforced by the diffusion of divorce and separation.
The 1994 Living in Ireland Survey provides a major source of research for this book on poverty in Ireland, helping to provide an updated picture of the subject and who is affected.