This book takes a hard and unflinching look at the multitude of roles and functions played by universality in international legal discourses as well as its associated narratives of progress and virtues.
The Golden Thread God's Promise of Universal Salvation In our modern pluralistic world, the barriers imposed by the old doctrine of religious exclusivity are confronted every day by individuals, families, and nations.
Includes criticism and interpretation of the views of the New Testament, Origen, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Maurice Blondel on Hell, salvation, and damnation.
"Any version of universalism, pluralistic sensitivities, and post-colonial awareness would need to balance a universalistic perspective with the richness of human diversity.
Il y a aujourd'hui des « nominalistes » et des « réalistes ». Mais ce livre est d'abord un livre d'histoire. Et quelle histoire ! Comme le montre Alain de Libera, le problème des universaux est un condensateur d'innovations unique.