Thomas Benton Cooley

Thomas Benton Cooley

American pediatrician
Thomas Benton Cooley was an American pediatrician and hematologist and professor of hygiene and medicine at the University of Michigan and Wayne State University. He was the director of the Pasteur Institute at the University of Michigan from 1903... Wikipedia
Born: June 23, 1871, Ann Arbor, MI
Died: October 13, 1945 (age 74 years), Bangor, ME
Thomas Benton Cooley was an American physician specializing in pediatrics and hematology. He worked tirelessly to treat illnesses causing the high child and ...
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Thomas Benton Cooley (June 23, 1871 – October 13, 1945) was an American pediatrician and hematologist and professor of hygiene and medicine at the ...
It was an American physician, Thomas Benton Cooley (1871-1945), who first differentiated the unique syndrome that became known as “Cooley's anemia”
Sep 13, 2016 ˇ Beta thalassemia major is widely referred to as Cooley's anemia in reference to Dr. Thomas Benton Cooley, the renowned researcher who discovered the disorder.
Young Thomas Cooley attended Ann. Arbor High School and the University of. Michigan, from which he received a doctor of medicine degree in 1895. He trained as ...
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Cooley was a tall man with an austere aristocratic bearing and exquisite manners, He was well versed in the visual arts and music, and enjoyed fishing and golf.
Nov 3, 2020 ˇ Thomas Benton Cooley (1871 - 1945) was an American pediatrician and haematologist. Cooley Anemia (1925) [Thalassemia major]
Ann Arbor, Cooley commenced practice in Detroit, where he was the first established paediatrician. Cooley was active in community paediatrics as medical.
Anemia in Children, with Splenomegaly & Peculiar Changes in the Bones [COOLEY, Thomas Benton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.