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John Chandler Bancroft Davis, commonly known as Bancroft Davis, was an attorney, diplomat, judge of the Court of Claims, and Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Wikipedia
Born: December 29, 1822, Worcester, MA
Died: December 27, 1907 (age 84 years), Washington, D.C.
Grandparents: Anna Davis and Isaac Davis
Great-grandparents: Hannah Davis, Simon Davis, Jr., Anna Brigham, and more
Party: Republican Party
Previous offices: Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States (1883–1902) and New York State Representative (1869–1869)
United States Reports: Cases Adjudged In The Supreme Court At ... And Rules Announced At ...; Volume 245
The Case of the United States, Tribunal of Arbitration
United States Reports: Cases Adjudged In The Supreme Court At ... And Rules Announced At ...; Volume 207
United States Reports: Cases Adjudged In The Supreme Court At ... And Rules Announced At ...; Volume 141
Notes Upon the Treaties of the United States with Other Powers: With References to Negotiations Preceding Them, to Their Executive, Legislative, Or Judicial Construction, and to the Causes of the Abrogation of Some of Them : Preceded by a List of the Treaties and Conventions with Foreign Powers, Chronologically Arranged, and Followed by an Analytical Index and a Synoptical Index of the Treaties
United States Reports: Cases Adjudged In The Supreme Court At ... And Rules Announced At ...; Volume 220
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John C. Davis was a labor economist and was U.S. President Harry S. Truman's chief of staff of the Council of Economic Advisers. His son is Rennie Davis.
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