subject:"Administrative agencies" from
Nonprofits and Government is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary exploration of nonprofit-government relations. The second edition of this important book is fully updated and includes two new chapters.
subject:"Administrative agencies" from
Between 1900 and 1940, Americans confronted a puzzle: how could administrative agencies address the nation's troubles without violating individual liberty?
subject:"Administrative agencies" from
This text identifies the trends in public management and the effects these have had, as well as providing a broad overview to each topic.
subject:"Administrative agencies" from
The only text in management and organizational behavior to focus on public organizations, nonprofit organizations, and school systems, Managing Human Behavior in Public and Nonprofit Organizations fosters competency in critical management ...
subject:"Administrative agencies" from
This introductory text links the practice of public administration to the core concepts of American democracy.
subject:"Administrative agencies" from
New to the 4th Edition: Significant New Supreme Court decisions, with detailed Notes, on: textual statutory interpretation (Bostock v. Clayton County) the Major Questions Doctrine (West Virginia v.
subject:"Administrative agencies" from
This book seeks to explain decisions in the European Union using a revised neofunctionalist framework.