" Girard persuades us that even as our world grows increasingly violent the power of the Christ-event is so great that the evils of scapegoating and sacrifice are being defeated even now.
This is a significant contribution to the Baker Exegetical Commentary series!"--Philip H. Towner, Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship, American Bible Society
In this exegetical study of the Gospel of John, Andreas Kostenberger strives to discover and articulate a throroughtly biblical theology of mission which would have contemporary implications for how the church responds to Christ's mandate.
Analyzes what Jesus said about when he would return and the last days would arrive (as in Matthew 24:34). Defends the trustworthiness of Jesus' teachings.
Lundbom also cites later Jewish interpretation of the book of Deuteronomy and makes numerous New Testament connections. An appendix contains all citations of Deuteronomy in the New Testament.
Four Views on the Book of Revelation are presented, critiqued, and defended: preterist, idealist, and the classical dispensationalist and progressive dispensationalist forms of the futurist approach.