This breakout book by Alison Bechdel is a darkly funny family tale, pitch-perfectly illustrated with Bechdel's sweetly gothic drawings. Like Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, it's a story exhilaratingly suited to graphic memoir form.
Examining discoveries and disasters, ideas, patients, and diseases in fields from anatomy to pharmacology to surgery, this is a highly accessible overview of medical history as a vibrant component of intellectual and cultural history.
A narrative account of the twentieth president's political career offers insight into his background as a scholar and Civil War hero, his battles against the corrupt establishment, and Alexander Graham Bell's failed attempt to save him from ...
Annotation Reports Nightingale's accomplishments in developing a public heath care system based on disease prevention. Includes papers, letters and "Notes on Nursing for the Labouring Classes."
This famous and bestselling book, recounting Norman Cousins' partnership with his doctors in overcoming a crippling and supposedly irreversible disease, is now available in a beautifully bound special gift edition.
This revision guide outlines the fundamental principles of general medicine, including question and answer sections to test students' understanding of key concepts.
In this timely study of all the reasons for extreme declines in native populations in the New World after colonization by Europeans, the author questions prevalent theories that exposure to Old World diseases was the sole cause of the ...